ITWASSOOTED: Bush administration wants to confiscate Jack Anderson's papers.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Bush administration wants to confiscate Jack Anderson's papers.

April 19, 2006 -- Bush administration wants to confiscate Jack Anderson's papers. In one of the most dramatic examples of the fascism of the Bush regime, Scott Shane is reporting in today's New York Times that the FBI is seeking access to the papers of the late investigative journalist Jack Anderson. Over his long career Anderson amassed some 200 boxes of papers. The FBI believes that among Anderson' papers are classified documents leaked to the journalist by government sources over his long career. The Bush regime's draconian desire to confiscate Anderson's papers comes after it began reclassifying documents held by the National Archives and Records Administration. Some of the affected documents were from the administration of Bush's father and Ronald Reagan and involved Iran-Contra and CIA assassination plots (including those during the CIA directorship of George H. W. Bush). Anderson's papers also reportedly include documents on Iran-Contra and other Bush family scandals. Anderson's papers are being sorted for cataloging by George Washington University's Gellman Library in Washington, DC, which also houses the non-government National Security Archives. Chillingly, the FBI maintains that any classified documents in Anderson's papers collection are the property of the U.S. government. These include secret grand jury testimonies from the Watergate trials of top Nixon officials.

Anderson and Drew Pearson, his predecessor as editor of "Washington Merry-Go-Round," one of the most popular and insightful political columns in the history of American journalism, earned the wrath of successive administrations for uncovering a number of scandals, including Watergate-related abuses by the Nixon administration, that shook Washington's political elite.

FBI seeks access to Anderson's papers: reportedly the papers are a treasure trove of information that is potentially embarrassing to three generations of Bushes and the CIA.