ITWASSOOTED: It was a Persian King Cyrus the II who freed the Jews from what is now Egypt

Saturday, January 03, 2009

It was a Persian King Cyrus the II who freed the Jews from what is now Egypt

It was a Persian King Cyrus the II who freed the Jews from what is now Egypt but at the time was part of the Babylonian empire. The ancient Jews were saved by ancient Iran. Cyrus entered Babylon (now Baghdad) and replaced an unpopular king, a King who worshiped the Moon god Sin rather than the more popular god Marduk, the Harvest God (whom the famous Hanging Gardens was made for). The People wanted the king to worship Marduk not Sin so they welcomed Cyrus in ridding the corrupt king. The Persians did not believe in slavery so all the slaves in the Babylonian kingdom were set free not just the Jews.

That's right it was Cyrus not God who freed the Jews from Egypt. And they were lead by an Egyptian (not a Jew and yes that river in the basket story is nonsense) into what is now Palestine/Israel. There, the nearly all male force, (because slaves were usually men used for labor and the women probably opted to stay prostitutes rather than wonder around in the desert) immediately began their long stint of raping and murdering and constant warfare. Read the 4, 5, 6th books in the Bible and get a feel for the blood craze and if you really want something sick read Leviticus and learn the details about sacrificing animals and sleeping with your own daughters and all the laws that would result in you being put to death (by very creative means) if you broke them.
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