And if we don't do sex their way, we are immoral. They fervently hope, once again, we'll be subject to arrest.
check out hullabaloo
The War On Fucking
by tristero
.... So-called "Christian" sex manuals go into considerable detail as to what intimate activities are permitted or not - to opposite-gender married couples only, naturally. Speaking about one rather popular leisure activity, Tim and Beverly LaHaye, "don't recommend or advocate oral sex" but they can find nothing in the Bible that prevents a married couple from "enjoying" it. Actually, this is a bit of a dodge, because if you read what Tim LaHaye has to say elsewhere, it's clear he finds oral sex disgusting. These clowns not only want to limit sex to state-approved coupling, but also dictate to the rest of us where we can put our lips, vulvas, penises, hands, asses, and breasts. And if we don't do sex their way, we are immoral. They fervently hope, once again, we'll be subject to arrest.
The War On Fucking
by tristero
.... So-called "Christian" sex manuals go into considerable detail as to what intimate activities are permitted or not - to opposite-gender married couples only, naturally. Speaking about one rather popular leisure activity, Tim and Beverly LaHaye, "don't recommend or advocate oral sex" but they can find nothing in the Bible that prevents a married couple from "enjoying" it. Actually, this is a bit of a dodge, because if you read what Tim LaHaye has to say elsewhere, it's clear he finds oral sex disgusting. These clowns not only want to limit sex to state-approved coupling, but also dictate to the rest of us where we can put our lips, vulvas, penises, hands, asses, and breasts. And if we don't do sex their way, we are immoral. They fervently hope, once again, we'll be subject to arrest.