For the first time in the history of the United States, criteria were to be set up for the labeling of individuals believed to be potentially criminal
"We have a new situation on our hands," Dr. Ziferstein said. "Because of the intensifying economic decline it is inevitable that more and more jobless will go beyond the limits of the law to satisfy their needs. There are probably upwards of 30 percent of our population who are permanently impoverished ... And once these 30 percent become convinced that the democratic process is not working for them, they become desperate and may resort to violent means. There is a rising radicalism in their midst and there is an uppitiness among the blacks and the Chicano prisoners which prison officials find intolerable.
"To subdue them, the authorities are using new methods. They're employing the psychiatric armamentarium and a new technological tool set -- what has come to be known as psycho-technology. Under the guise of therapeutic behavior modification they're applying anything from Anectine and other aversive drugs to psychosurgery."
"To subdue them, the authorities are using new methods. They're employing the psychiatric armamentarium and a new technological tool set -- what has come to be known as psycho-technology. Under the guise of therapeutic behavior modification they're applying anything from Anectine and other aversive drugs to psychosurgery."