ITWASSOOTED: a small cadre of obscenely-wealthy western plutocrats. WANT TO STEAL ALL THE GOOD STUFF AND RAPE THE REST OF US TO GET ANY....

Monday, October 23, 2006

a small cadre of obscenely-wealthy western plutocrats. WANT TO STEAL ALL THE GOOD STUFF AND RAPE THE REST OF US TO GET ANY....

Putin Gets Mugged in Finland
Mike Whitney

The Energy Charter Treaty and the EU Constitution focus on the very same objectives, that is, establishing the legal framework for placing the world and its dwindling resources in the hands of a small cadre of obscenely-wealthy western plutocrats.

Western elites have been waging an intensive public relations campaign against Putin since he nationalized Yukos Oil and put it under control of Gazprom. Gazprom is quickly growing into the world’s largest oil corporation and will probably achieve that goal within the decade.
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