ITWASSOOTED: fill out form and move to back of detention center please you number will be called in order it was applied

Saturday, May 30, 2009

fill out form and move to back of detention center please you number will be called in order it was applied

fuckin a raymond fadderland security asks shit like this to enter the country.

C) Have you ever been or are you now involved in espionage or sabotage; or in terrorist activities; or genocide; or between 1933 and 1945 were you involved , in any way, in persecutions associated with Nazi Germany or its allies? *

ya spose they catch many with this? even after they are here? i mean what other reason for a fucked up question to be on this form? to be able to retroactively charge somebody with a crime after the fooks did something? and of course the nazi thing is thrown in for good rabbinical purposes, who's runnin this motherfucker!
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