ITWASSOOTED: I'm Shocked there is gamboling going on in here!

Sunday, February 08, 2015

I'm Shocked there is gamboling going on in here!

  Why would anyone really be shocked that the most trusted man in mainstream news is really a serial liar?

who better to hire than a fake empathy facemaker than a true serial liar?

I really don't think anyone up there in charge of all that is the bullshit factory is actually surprised, only surprise is prolly how long this one got away with it?  or surprised it got caught?

mostly our 4th estate has been on hiatus as a truth sayer and fact finder for a long fucking time.

we get what we deserve when we put down our pitchforks, tar and feathers......

does he really have a daughter getting her ass eaten on screen?
if you don't comment no angel will gets its wings... 0