ITWASSOOTED: Gathering day

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Gathering day

Today the firearms deer hunting season starts here is Minnesota. So what is my idea of adventure? Well we are going with grandpa out in the woods to gather firewood. What better time to be in the forests? But when every Laotian in the united states is out on private property shooting at everything that moves eh? I'm taking at least one of the young gatherers, maybe two if I can convince her its for the good of the lodge that we all go gather firewood for winter. If not her vent will be screwed shut so no errant furnace air gets to her room.
tomorrow it may be leave mulching day ,if no rain and my back is not in traction after humping wood all day today.
Right now I have a plan that is way out of line of my usual "avoid work at all costs on weekend regimen" but we are so broke in the republican economy that the million Turkish lira a day we make is not keeping pace with the extravagant lifestyle we are leading. The trips to Europe, the gold chains, the luxury cars, the private schools, the designer baggy pants, the concerts, the gambling junkets, etc....
so maybe by burning some wood again this heating season we can stave off the wolves of credit counselors and live another day to enjoy what is our American dream
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