ITWASSOOTED: All Israeli de Beers creeps and their friends, are the "hostages"

Thursday, November 27, 2008

All Israeli de Beers creeps and their friends, are the "hostages"

Mumbai Attack was a diamond heist and its played up as another fucking 911 on the Indian subcontinent. What a crock of Orwellian bullshit.

This is no fucking test of obamas resolve or an attack by Pakistanis pissed at Obama . Your librul media is leading you down another stupid rabbit trail.

This appears to be false flag reporting by the Islamofascist Hate Inflaming media bent on deception to further their aims.

These hotels and patrons are targets because they are full of rich assed diamond merchants in a decrepedly poor nation of a few rich and a zillion poor beggars?

More to come....
Diamond News

FLASHBACK: Diamond trade lost many members to serial blasts
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