ITWASSOOTED: February 2007

Monday, February 26, 2007

The American hand in Iran

By Trish Schuh
Trish Schuh has worked with ABCnews, al-Arabiya, Tehran Times, MehrNews, Syria Times, Iran News Daily and Muslim's Weekly. She studied Arabic and Islam in Palestine, Syria and Lebanon, and recently observed the presidential elections in Iran.

(Copyright 2005 Trish Schuh)

Like the color-coded terror alert system, the technicolor "velvet invasions" blink a warning. Despite receiving an ugly bruise in Uzbekistan, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)and its non-governmental organization (NGO) regime-change industry hope to stage another cardboard coup in Iran. But it could be a black and blue revolution.

Citing a "mission accomplished" in Iraq, President George W Bush told 25,000 soldiers in Fort Hood, Texas: "The establishment of a free Iraq is a watershed event in the global democratic revolution. That success is sending a message from Beirut to Tehran."

Tasked by the Bush administration with sending that message from America to Tehran, and "winning hearts and minds" is author and "Swiftboat Veterans for Truth" member Jerome Corsi. On May 16, Corsi's NGO, the Iran Freedom Foundation (IFF), inaugurated a 12-day "Iran Freedom Walk" from Philadelphia's Liberty Bell to Washington, DC.

Dipping two fingers in red paint, Corsi waved a peace sign in solidarity "with the blood of oppressed Iranians" and called on "the spirit of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King". He declared, "I love the Iranian people. America does not hate the Persian people. We love the Persian people. We want peace and we love the Persian people." Corsi's voice then dropped to a whisper; "We stand here today and we pray in the name of the gods. I embrace Jesus Christ as my savior - and we also pray in the name of Allah, Zoroaster and the B'hai."

But Corsi has expressed very different opinions on Islam in the past. According to his own postings on, on November 18, 2001 Corsi used a racial slur to define Arabs: "Ragheads are boy-bumpers [sodomizers] as clearly as they are women haters - it all goes together."
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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Stacy Prammanasudh, winner

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Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Lies They Tell: How to Stop the Fox Propaganda Machine

...The conservatives usually put out a speculative story through Fox News or Drudge. Then the right-wing
echo reverberates as the lies make their way to talk radio and the right-wing blogosphere. Eventually, it gets
picked up and carried by the mainstream media, with few understanding where the story originated. ...
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Friday, February 23, 2007

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Michele Bachmann's Secret Mid-East Plan Revealed

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Christians like Michele Bachmann. says:

February 23rd, 2007 at 6:27 pm

S.D. Steve,

Christians want people of different beliefs to live in peace together, but radical Muslims want to either convert or kill anyone who isn’t Muslim.

It’s humorous to me when liberals try to put radical Muslims who like to saw the heads off of living people and also drill their brains out with power tools, in the same category as Christians like Michele Bachmann.

Michele is trying to help protect us from Muslim extremists while people like you are emboldening the enemy, lowering the morale of our troops, and creating doubt in the minds of Iraqi’s who are trying to create a free society. If liberals succeed in their war on the war on terror, these Iraqi’s will be butchered.
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asses instead of asshats

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Thursday, February 22, 2007

clinton enabler

Robert Oakley, Reagan Counterterrorism Czar says of Clinton's efforts "Overall, I give them very high marks" and "The only major criticism I have is the obsession with Osama"

-- Brought perpetrators of first World Trade Center bombing and CIA killings to justice.
-- Did not blame Bush I administration for first World Trade Center bombing even though it occurred 38 days after they had left office. Instead, worked hard, even obsessively -- and successfully -- to stop future terrorist attacks.
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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Ron Paul from committee floor. House Financial Services Committee.2/17/2007 C-SPAN

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Iran claims U.S., Britain involved in attack

Los Angeles Times

TEHRAN, IRAN — Bullet cartridges bearing a U.S. insignia and English lettering were among the weaponry seized last week from Sunni militants suspected of killing 11 members of Iran's elite Shiite-dominated Revolutionary Guards, Iranian officials said Sunday.

A photograph of the cartridge box, along with an array of other ammunition, was published by Iranian newspapers and agencies.

The Iranians did not provide direct access to the weapons and explosives, drawing skepticism from analysts, and there was no way to evaluate the claims independently. But Iran is worried that the United States is quietly helping Iranian opposition groups foment internal instability, even while the Bush administration is directly confronting Iran over its nuclear program and its alleged arming of Shiite militants in Iraq.
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...But we were wrong. Far from being a whitewash, Kay's report has turned out to be one of the most devastating and unflinching exposés of war crimes

in world history.

An Inspector Calls
Kay Report is a War Crimes Indictment


This column owes a heartfelt apology to a top official of Bush Administration, whom we unjustly maligned some weeks ago. No doubt infected by the corrosive wave of cynical anti-Americanism now raging across an ungrateful world, we predicted that the report of David Kay--who was hired by the CIA to find Iraq's elusive weapons of mass destruction--would be nothing but a sham, a whitewash: "the fix is in," we sneered.

But we were wrong. Far from being a whitewash, Kay's report has turned out to be one of the most devastating and unflinching exposés of war crimes in world history. In damning detail, Kay has revealed the torturous machinations and evil practices of a ruthless tyrant seeking to thwart the clear will of the UN Security Council and the international community, using false declarations and crude propaganda to mask his secret plans to abet terrorism, wage aggressive war and threaten the entire world with weapons of mass destruction. Those apologists for tyranny, who for months doubted the veracity of these charges, have now been shown to be nothing more than knaves, fools, lickspittles and dupes.
chris floyd
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panchobills sister claims i want everyones children to die....?

is that because i don't believe the stated reasons for destroying iraqistan? or is it because i don't let other people think for me and add talking point statements to my vernacular?
the grand chess board is not easily disseminated to the masses in a form or forms that you would stop watching a nascar/darts game for. ginned up excuses are necessary to get you to slumber away as "they" decide when and how your children will live or die. its our collective disengagements from our rulers that makes us vulnerable to forces outside our control....

Kay: No evidence Iraq stockpiled WMDs
Former chief U.S. inspector faults intelligence agencies

(CNN) -- Two days after resigning as the Bush administration's top weapons inspector in Iraq, David Kay said Sunday that his group found no evidence Iraq had stockpiled unconventional weapons before the U.S.-led invasion in March.

He said U.S. intelligence services owe President Bush an explanation for having concluded that Iraq had.

"My summary view, based on what I've seen, is we're very unlikely to find large stockpiles of weapons," he said on National Public Radio's "Weekend Edition." "I don't think they exist.
click for more
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Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Exxon or Chevron buy-up of Yukos/Sibneft would have been a literal energy coup d´etat. Cheney knew it; Bush knew it; Khodorkovsky knew it.

Above all, Vladimir Putin knew it and moved decisively to block it.

The Emerging Russian Giant Plays its Cards Strategically
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The point was that the reserve status of the dollar, now a paper currency, was bolstered by the 400% increase in world demand for dollars to buy oil.

Why Iran's oil bourse can't break the buck
By F William Engdahl

A number of writings have recently appeared with the thesis that the announced plans of the Iranian government to institute a Tehran oil bourse, perhaps as early as this month, is the real hidden reason behind the evident march to war on Iran by the Anglo-American powers. The thesis is simply wrong for many reasons, not least that war on Iran has been in planning since the 1990s as an integral part of the United States' Greater Middle East strategy.

F William Engdahl is author of A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order (Pluto Press). He can be reached through his website,
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whence many of those countries became enslaved to the bankers, and forced to follow their edicts on how to run their countries.

After 1971, a White House policy was initiated, under the effective control of Henry Kissinger, to control the economies of the nations and to reduce their populations, rather than to facilitate technology transfer and industrial growth. The strategy was to force the price of the cartelized world oil up by about a factor of four, recover the Arab oil receipts back into the British and American central banks, and lend them to the Third World to acquire control over those countries. To this end, the Bilderberg group, containing the world's top financial and political insiders, met privately in Saltsjoebaden, Sweden in May 1973 to discuss how the coming flood of oil dollars was to be handled. Mr. Engdahl lists many of the participants, including Kissinger, George Ball, David Rockefeller, and others. Then in October of that same year, the "Yom Kippur" war broke out, with Syria and Egypt invading Israel, with the U.S. supporting Israel, and the British staying demurely neutral. Kissinger performed his "shuttle diplomacy" among the participants, to assure the war followed the script previously worked out in Sweden. The Arab OPEC countries declared an embargo on all oil shipments to the U.S. and mainland Europe (but not Britain), and started cranking up the price, which rose by the scheduled factor of four by the end of the year. Nixon, drowning in the Watergate affair, tried to get the Treasury to find a way to get the Arabs to reduce their prices, but was rebuffed, and advised to support the "recycling" of the oil dollars at the current prices. Nixon agreed, and the deed was done. The great bulk of the petro-dollars were repatriated in purchasing U.S. government debt and in deposit accounts in Chase Manhattan, Citibank, et al. From there they were loaned to the Third World, which could not otherwise buy the fuel they needed to survive, whence many of those countries became enslaved to the bankers, and forced to follow their edicts on how to run their countries. Engdahl supplies lots more of the ghastly details.
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Needless to say, the DIA was in a panic after Pan Am 103 blew up.

The Lockerbie Cover Up (Part I - Iran Strikes Back)
By Carlton Meyer

Libya played no role in the bombing over Lockerbie. Iran funded the downing of Pan Am flight 103 in retaliation for the shoot down of an Iranian Airbus commercial flight by the U.S. Navy cruiser USS Vincennes few months previously. The Damascus-based Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine General Command (PFLP-GC) was suspected by British and American investigators in the early years of the Lockerbie probe. All the evidence pointed that way, until the administration of President George H.W. Bush decided to blame Libya.
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..delivered into the hands of central bankers and their prostituted politicians..

Jacques Rueff, de Gaulle's former economic advisor, Nixon instead followed the strategy of his own advisors, including budget advisor George Schultz, Treasury's Paul Volcker, and National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger. Their advice was to stay the course, which he did until the gold outflow became so alarming that, on August 15, 1971, he followed the new advice which they then offered him, which was to terminate the redeemability of foreign dollars into gold. This was the ultimate goal of Edmond de Rothschild, Sir Siegmund Warburg, and the other owners of the London merchant banks, who were, in fact, the real architects of the American policy. All ties of world currencies to a metallic base were thereby broken, and the fate of such currencies delivered into the hands of central bankers and their prostituted politicians.
After 1971, a White House policy was initiated, under the effective control of Henry Kissinger, to control the economies of the nations and to reduce their populations, rather than to facilitate technology transfer and industrial growth. The strategy was to force the price of the cartelized world oil up by about a factor of four, recover the Arab oil receipts back into the British and American central banks, and lend them to the Third World to acquire control over those countries.
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The British intent was to project their control into the oil-laden Middle East by creating a Jewish-dominated Palestine, beholden to Britain...

The war produced between 16 and 20 million deaths, mostly civilians, including a half-million British deaths. Germany was successfully cut off from Russian and Middle-Eastern oil, and the war was essentially won with Rockefeller oil from America. Following the war, Britain and France carved up the Middle East (by prior secret wartime agreement), Britain obtaining "protectorate" status over Palestine (Israel)
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Robert Newman History of oil

Robert Newman gets to grips with the wars and politics of the last hundred years - but rather than adhering to the history we were fed at school, the places oil centre stage as the cause of all commotion. This innovative history programme is based around Robert Newman's stand-up act and supported by resourceful archive sequences and stills with satirical impersonations of historical figures from Mayan priests to Archduke Ferdinand. Quirky details such as a bicycle powered street lamp on the stage brings home the pertinent question of just how we are going to survive when the world's oil supplies are finally exhausted.
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Friday, February 16, 2007

John Perkins, Part 1 at the VFP National Convention

John Perkins, Part 1
The first of a three part speech given to the Veterans For Peace National Convention, Seattle, WA in August 2006. Author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, in this part John discusses, from a hit mans perspective, the reasons and background to why we are at war in the Middle East.
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Nick Begich; Are You a Manchurian Candidate?

Title speaks for itself. Dr. Nick Begich, son of Senator Nick Begich Sr., has been active in the sciences for quite some time. He has put out a lot of information on global warming, contrails, and the HAARP project. His radio show can be heard at
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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

below a few stories for panchobills sister

i think she believe's in sean hanity bill o'really and rush limbaugh.
a mind is a terrible thing to let them get into, she may be gone already we don't know. if she comes up spewing crapatudes without ever looking we will know she is gone to the dark side never to see the light of day again............
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Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr, sold materials including anthrax, VX nerve gas, West Nile fever germs and botulism to Iraq right up until March 1992

Published on Sunday, September 8, 2002 by the Sunday Herald (Scotland)
How Did Iraq Get Its Weapons? We Sold Them
by Neil Mackay and Felicity Arbuthnot

THE US and Britain sold Saddam Hussein the technology and materials Iraq needed to develop nuclear, chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction.

Reports by the US Senate's committee on banking, housing and urban affairs -- which oversees American exports policy -- reveal that the US, under the successive administrations of Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr, sold materials including anthrax, VX nerve gas, West Nile fever germs and botulism to Iraq right up until March 1992, as well as germs similar to tuberculosis and pneumonia. Other bacteria sold included brucella melitensis, which damages major organs, and clostridium perfringens, which causes gas gangrene.

Classified US Defense Department documents also seen by the Sunday Herald show that Britain sold Iraq the drug pralidoxine, an antidote to nerve gas, in March 1992, after the end of the Gulf war. Pralidoxine can be reverse engineered to create nerve gas.

The Senate committee's reports on 'US Chemical and Biological Warfare-Related Dual-Use Exports to Iraq', undertaken in 1992 in the wake of the Gulf war, give the date and destination of all US exports. The reports show, for example, that on May 2, 1986, two batches of bacillus anthracis -- the micro-organism that causes anthrax -- were shipped to the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education, along with two batches of the bacterium clostridium botulinum, the agent that causes deadly botulism poisoning.
The UN's former co-ordinator in Iraq and former UN under-secretary general, Count Hans von Sponeck, has also told the Sunday Herald that he believes the West is lying about Iraq's weapons program.
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if gassing your "own people" is such a heinous act, why did the U.S. government use gas against the Branch Davidians at Waco in 1993?

Saddam's Mass Graves?

Comment by Harry Browne

1. In February 1991, just after the start of the brief Gulf War, there was a large fight at the "Neutral Zone" located at the Iraq-Saudi border. American troops slaughtered thousands of Iraqi soldiers, after which American earth-movers plowed the Iraqis into the ground and covered them up. Possibly thousands of Iraqis were buried in the mass graves the American military created.

2. Near the end of the 1991 Gulf War, U.S. troops slaughtered thousands of Iraqi soldiers who were retreating from Kuwait. Once again, the dead soldiers were plowed into the ground. I can only wonder what weeds will grow from those seeds.

3. One mass grave near a Baghdad palace is known to contain Iraqi soldiers who died when American soldiers stormed Baghdad.

4. When the U.S. Marines destroyed Fallujah, at least 600 Iraqis died — and most of them were buried in mass graves set up in soccer fields, called the "Graveyard of the Martyrs" by Fallujah residents.

Those four sets of mass graves have been documented. But (to the best of my knowledge) they haven’t been shown on TV — probably because it was the U.S. military that created them. There may be other mass graves as well. For example . . .

5. In the 1980s, Iraq and Iran fought a terrible war in which, most likely, hundreds of thousands of people died. It’s certainly possible that many of them were buried in mass graves.

6. Lastly, perhaps the ghastliest possibility has to do with the end of the 1991 Gulf War. George Bush Sr. exhorted the Iraqi people to "take matters into your own hands and force Saddam to step aside." This provoked a tremendous uprising that won a few victories against the Iraqi army.

The Iraqi rebels naturally assumed that the U.S. military was going to help them "force Saddam to step aside." But George H.W. Bush suddenly reversed himself, and the U.S. military did everything possible to prevent the uprising from succeeding. As a result, the Iraqi Republican Army slaughtered thousands of Iraqis.
how much of any "news" you see or read on comercial airwaves is true and varifiable? please don't believe much of what you see and none of what you for rest of article i just snipped it here
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Blair admitted to lying about the number of bodies in mass graves

Published September 17, 2005

The number of deaths attributed to Saddam Hussein by the West is incomprehensible. If you add them all up, it seems he killed more people than the number who inhabit Iraq. He had to work overtime and must have had advanced weaponry of which no one is aware.

Numbers and techniques abound: 180,000 during the Anfal campaign (Despite the numbers, not one body has been found. Maybe Saddam had a secret vaporizing ray); 5,000 in Halabja (About 300 bodies were found and there is much doubt as to the origin of the gas used against the Kurds); 400,000 in the south of Iraq.
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purediesel1 said, "lol all you do is push/fold"

*** RIVER *** [8h 8c 6c 4s] [2s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
kedfort: shows [4c Ac] (two pair, Eights and Fours)
roscorude: shows [8d 9d] (three of a kind, Eights)
roscorude collected $298.60 from pot
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Monday, February 12, 2007

Identify US Officials Presenting Disputed Evidence Against Iran

the demonisation of iran continues:

Why are US officials hiding behind the cloak of anonymity when presenting the most detailed evidence yet that Iran is supplying weaponry to anti-US forces in Iraq?

After weeks, if not months, of US official planning to present a damning "dossier" of incriminating evidence against Iran, and after this same US administration presented us with lopsided, erroneous information about the capability and evil intentions of the Saddam Hussein regime, the best the US government can give us today is incendiary evidence presented at a Baghdad news conference by three US officials who refuse to be quoted by name?

That's disgraceful and unacceptable.

The American people deserve straight talk from identified US officials.
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Sunday, February 11, 2007

The soldiers, who were targeted by insurgents as they travelled through the country, died after being attacked with bombs triggered by infra-red beams

Eight British soldiers killed during ambushes in Iraq were the victims of a highly sophisticated bomb first used by the IRA, The Independent on Sunday can reveal.

The soldiers, who were targeted by insurgents as they travelled through the country, died after being attacked with bombs triggered by infra-red beams. The bombs were developed by the IRA using technology passed on by the security services in a botched "sting" operation more than a decade ago.

This contradicts the British government's claims that Iran's Revolutionary Guard is helping Shia insurgents to make the devices.

The Independent on Sunday can also reveal that the bombs and the firing devices used to kill the soldiers, as well as two private security guards, were initially created by the UK security services as part of a counter-terrorism strategy at the height of the troubles in the early 1990s.
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Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Horseman of Abbey Road

By Christopher Ketcham Almost all the country within their view was roadless, uninhabited, a wilderness. They meant to keep it that way. Keep it like it was. — Edward Abbey, “The Monkey Wrench Gang”

Ken Sleight is 77 years old, lean, dusty-booted, hard of hearing, wears old jeans and long-tailed shirts untucked. It is said that as a younger man he was the model for the lapsed Mormon renegade Seldom Seen Smith in Edward Abbey’s novel “The Monkey Wrench Gang,” which itself became the incendiary model for eco-saboteurs such as Earth First. Sleight owns a horse farm called Pack Creek Ranch, up on Abbey Road, outside Moab, Utah, in the high red desert of the canyon country, where for the last five months I’ve been renting a cabin 33 steps from the door of his lodge. I see him every day in his old blue Ranger pickup, or tending to his Appaloosas and Arabians with his wife, Jane, or laying gravel with his tractor and shoveling manure for shade trees.

“The deep canyons, the meanderings, the quiet of the water, the great beaches,” he begins. “I could show you all down those canyons the silhouettes of a woman’s attributes, her body. The sandstone was petrified dune.
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'NYT' Reporter Who Got Iraqi WMDs Wrong Now Highlights Iran Claims

Published: February 10, 2007 10:30 PM ET updated Saturday

NEW YORK Saturday’s New York Times features an article, posted at the top of its Web site late Friday, that suggests very strongly that Iran is supplying the “deadliest weapon aimed at American troops” in Iraq. The author notes, “Any assertion of an Iranian contribution to attacks on Americans in Iraq is both politically and diplomatically volatile.”

What is the source of this volatile information? Nothing less than “civilian and military officials from a broad range of government agencies.”
new lies
And More New Lies
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Friday, February 09, 2007

scives in the hall-titties too

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Thursday, February 08, 2007

‘A Platoon Of Lesbians’ Could ‘Chase Us Out Of Baghdad’

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titties in the hall

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

EU may challenge U.S. online gambling law: McCreevy

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. restrictions on online gambling may be challenged by the European Union, the bloc's top financial regulator said on Tuesday.

"In my view it is probably a restrictive practice and we might take it up in another fora," EU Internal Market Commissioner Charlie McCreevy told the European Parliament.

The United States was protecting its own gambling industry by stopping foreign companies from entering the online betting sector, McCreevy said.

this part of ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT i'll take and hardy bitch. go fighting EU
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The Department of Justice has strongly denied the allegations, but also has refused to publicly give any reasons for the dismissals.

Bush administration dismisses seven federal prosecutors

By Karoun Demirjian

Chicago Tribune


WASHINGTON - A year ago, Carol Lam, the U.S. attorney in San Diego, Calif., was fielding accolades for her successful prosecution of Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham, the California congressman who pleaded guilty to tax evasion and corruption and was sent to prison for more than eight years.

Now, however, she is one of seven federal prosecutors that the Bush administration has removed from office in recent weeks, most for unspecified reasons, as was the case with Lam. The dismissals are unusual and that has prompted several Democratic senators to accuse the White House of taking undue aim at U.S. prosecutors, either to make way for up-and-coming Republicans or even to punish those who aggressively prosecuted friends of the administration.

The Department of Justice has strongly denied the allegations, but also has refused to publicly give any reasons for the dismissals.
evasion and corruption, same as saying bushmob
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Monday, February 05, 2007


Unanimous Jury Verdict Awards Former Agent
$565,000.00 in Damages

Minneapolis, Minnesota, February 5, 2007. In a historic ruling against the Federal Bureau of Investigation, a federal court jury unanimously held that the FBI illegally retaliated against Jane Turner, a 25-year veteran FBI agent. The federal jury found that the FBI retaliated against Ms. Turner when it downgraded her performance reviews. She was awarded $60,000.00 in lost wages and $505,000.00 for damages to reputation and emotional distress caused by the FBI’s retaliation.

"The buck stopped here. Jane Turner is an American hero.
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the Islamic Republic has and will never misuse its progress for dominating other nations or looting their wealth.

Iran's Achievements Belong to All Nations
TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said all the world nations can benefit from the achievements made by his country in various fields, stressing that the Islamic Republic has and will never misuse its progress for dominating other nations or looting their wealth.
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Constititution of the United States: 1st Amendment, Bill of Rights : "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

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